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2024 / 25




On January 31, another new album has been released by Hyperion: "War Silence"
presenting piano concertos by contemporary Italian composers of the 20th and 21st centuries, Prosseda recorded with the London Philharmonic Orchestra.

And with the recording of 3 Piano Sonatas Op. 2 by Beethoven on a restaured original Graf fortepiano from 1820, released on Octobe 4 by Challenge Classics, Prosseda has started his next big project - piano sonatas by Beethoven on the fortepiano!

Finally, in 2024, Prosseda's  complete recording of all of Mozart's piano works has completed his Mozart edition.

Thus, his actuel concert calendar will include recitals and concerts from his Mozart repertoire , Beethoven sonatas as well as contemporary compositions by Italian composers.

His schedule will be completed by  concerts and recitasl with his longtime DUO partner, Italian pianist Alessandra Ammara.

In addition, the worldwide renowed
Pedal Piano specialist,  is looking forward to perforn concerts on the new Pedal Piano built by Chris Maene,
the renowed belgian piano maker, known for his so-called Barenboim grand piano, the 'straight-strung' grand piano, which is a part of the new pedal instrukment.




Youtube channel
with Lemêtre's videos

Music theater in Düsseldorf: Lemêtre embodies and plays “Heinrich Heine's “Le Grand” in a play about Heine's encounter with the French tambour major “Le Grand” and the ambivalence of power and revolution.
Premiere: March 13, 2025

And: there is a new fascinating solo program: the concert-talk "MusicaloPithèque"
Illustrated with a selection from his collection of over 3000 instruments, Lemêtre tells and plays the development of man and his instruments from the Stone Age to the present day.

To Lemêtres most important concerns, however, belong his many master classes, seminars  and international conferences, in which he spreads his knowledges  gathered from all over the world to pave the way for future generations in the countries of origin, where some instruments and musical traditions have already been forgotten or lost.

He also shares his artistic experience and know- ledge to students, profes- sional stage artists and interested amateurs within the framework of interna- tional workshops, for whose subject matter and orientation he uses the term "Le Corps Musical",

These workshops and seminars can also be booked through ART WORKs.

Lemêtre's complete musical range and intercultural creative work over more than half a century can now be experienced on Lemêtre's website
as well as in a series of
videos on Lemêtre's recently launched YouTube channel "Nomade de la Planète Bleue"   -  have a look!

Aside, he continues to write music for theater, dance , festivals and Tv and movies.
Just now he's focusing on concerts with Live -Music for silent films.


Lombardi's composition "Novembernacht" (November Night), a work commissioned by the Piano Festival Ruhr, had a highly acclaimed premiere in the frame of the festival in Bochum on June 27, 2023.
Sir Andras Schiff, for whom Lombardi wrote his composition and to whom it is dedicated, gave a magnificent premiere performance.

Now, Lombardi is working again on his opera project "Ohra - A Woman on the Run from a Message" (based on the novel of the same name by David Grossmann), which he had to put on hold for a while because of other composition commissions.


A good bye:
After more than 30 years, our collaboration with Günter A. Buchwald will come to its end with the closing of this seaon.
We are happy upon a last special highlight: the silent film concert "Jewish Luck", a comedy based on a novel by Sholem Alechem, with which the Jewish Culture Days and the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg made a courageous statement for humanity in the face of the terrible conflict in the Middle East - acclaimed by a sold-out hall with long applaudings.
Buchwald and Klezmer clarinettist Helmut Eisel performed "Fantasy for Jewish Luck", the score Buchwald composed for the film.

Thank you - for great cinema with wonderful music!




Olivero's current commissions include a work for the Boulez Ensemble .
"Many Waters"
commissioned by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and the Konzerthaus Dortmund opened the season in Dortmund with the Isreal Philharmonics under the direction of Lahav Shani and was also performed at
the Philharmonie Berlin as part of the Musikfest Berlin.

Shlomo Mintz

Our last cooperation with Shlomo Mintz for his performance of  the Violin Concerto by Dvorak with Würth Philharmonics was received with enthusiasm by press and audience:

"If the audience is already thrilled by this interpretation of Dvorak, it is downright ravished by Shlomo Mintz's highly virtuosic encore - the Paganini Caprice No. 24."

We're happy, that this last  cooperation with Schlomo Mintz has been emphasized with this beautiful final event.
Bye, bye Maestro and thank you for the beautiful moments with your  music...