zur Startseite


Welcome in 2024 ...
Let's hope for courage, imagination and success for the musical, organizational and financial challenges
 in the second half of the season to face the 
upcoming musical, organizational and financial challenges.

And if that wasn't challenging  enough,
we now have to think art and culture together with the terrible human catastrophes
in the world, in the MIddle East and Estern Europe and increasing threat from Neo-Nazis -
not to forget upon the urgent effort to save our beautiful little planet!
We can only try to remain human with courage, tenacity and confidence
and do our best - even if it is exhausting and often painful ...

I wish us insight and imagination -
and the strength to realize, what is possible and urgently needed.

Art and culture can't do everything in life, but without them a many few things would be nothing...

Cordially  your's



In May, the last album of Prosseda's complete recording of all of Mozart's piano works will be released with the Rondos, Suites, Minuets and and small piano pieces.
This will complete his Mozart edition, which also includes all the sonatas and variations.

And in the meantime, Prosseda has recorded
on his original Graf fortepiano from 1820 3 Piano Sonatas Op. 2 by Beethoven, thus starting his next project:
the recording of the piano music by Beethoven on a fortepiano!

In early automn, the next new CD, his recording of piano concertos by contemporary Italian composers of the 20th and 21st centuries, which he recorded with the London Philharmonic Orchestra will be released.

In addition, the worldwide renowed Pedal Piano specialist,  is looking forward to perforn concerts on the new Pedal Piano built by Chris Maene.
With the new instrument from the Belgian piano maker, who is also known for the so-called Barenboim grand piano, the 'straight-strung' grand piano, it will be much easier and also more economical to present the rarely heard spectacular instrument in concert!

In his concert calendar in the near future will be recitals and concerts from his Mozart repertoire, but also modern and contemporary music as  piano concertos f.e. by Schoenberg (150th birthday in 2024) and Dallapiccola (50th death anniversary in 2025)  His schedule will be completed by an intenbse revival of concerst and recitasl with his longtime DUO partner, Italian pianist Alessandra Ammara.

And, of course, there will be concers with
'Phoenix" a very special composition for piano and orchestra written for him by Matteo Rubini.




Lombardi's composition "Novembernacht" (November Night), a work commissioned by the Piano Festival Ruhr, had a highly acclaimed premiere in the frame of the festival in Bochum on June 27, 2023.
Sir Andras Schiff, for whom Lombardi wrote his composition and to whom it is dedicated, gave a magnificent premiere performance.

Now, Lombardi is working again on his opera project "Ohra - A Woman on the Run from a Message" (based on the novel of the same name by David Grossmann), which he had to put on hold for a while because of other composition commissions.




Youtube channel with Lemêtre's videos

Trio Magisterium:
"Tales without words"

Music  written for the ThdS
Music from "Cds à ID"

Finally: Lemêtre is online with his own website!
It reveals the musical and intercultural creative work of a great artist during more than half a century - and its ongoing importance

The whole range of his music, which extends far beyond theater or movie music - from Classical Music to Jazz or Klezmer up to his ravishingy funny Cartoons or the recently launched series "Raconte-moi... des musiques" leading Lemêtre around the world beyond borders - is revealed in a series of videos on the ART WORKs youtube channel and on Lemêtre's recently launched YouTube channel "Nomade de la Planète Bleue"   -  have a look!

To Lemêtres most important concerns, however, belong his many workshops, master classes, seminars  and international conferences, in which he spreads his knowledges and his large collection of original instruments gathered from all over the world to pave the way for future generations in the countries of origin, where some instruments and musical traditions have already been forgotten or lost, to experience making music with them again.

And he wants to pass on his artistic experience and knowledge to students, professional stage artists and interested amateurs within the framework of international workshops, for whose subject matter and orientation he uses the term "Le Corps Musical", with which he centers upon the  the body as an instrument of scenic expression.

Workshops and seminars can also be booked through ART WORKs.

Together with a magician and a puppeteer he has formed the Trio Magisterium to create an idiosyncratic concert program: "Contes sans Paroles" (Tales without words)
Together with Lemêtre's music performed on his instruments inspired by the  cultures of the world, the trio creates feather-light moments of pleasure.
In spring 2024 the 'magic' Trio will be on tour.

He continues to write music for theater, dance , festivals and Tv and movies.
his soundtrack for the film "Here the Mistral blows hard"  was awarded the Palme d'Or Cannes 23 for best film music!
Just now he's focusing on concerts with Live -Music for silent films.

For his theater music, Lemêtre has invented own instruments for individual scenes, characters, and areas of tension, or has reassembled elements of instruments from a wide variety of epochs and cultures between Orient and Occident.

   Video footage for all film concerts
Before after more than 30 years ur collaboration with Günter A. Buchwald comes to an end with the closing of tbis seaon, we are happy upon a special highlight: the silent film concert "Jewish Luck", a comedy based on a novel by Sholem Alechem, with which the Jewish Culture Days and the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg made a courageous statement for humanity in the face of the terrible conflict in the Middle East - acclaimed by a sold-out hall with long applaudings.
Buchwald and Klezmer clarinettist Helmut Eisel performed "Fantasy for Jewish Luck", the score Buchwald composed for the film.
And before our ways will part for good, we hope for a few more film concerts with Jewish Luck.
And perhaps we can also use our intensive contacts with organizers at home and abroad to realize long-planned film concerts with Buchwald's music for the French-Russian silent film "Casanova".
Buchwald's new Casanova music premiered as a film concert under his direction at the international silent film festival Le Giornate del Cinema Muto at the end of 2022.

DVD-Democopies of Buchwalds film concerts with Murnaus "Nosferatu" and "Faust", the Hollywood production "The Wind" and the Japanese silent movies "Sumiko" and "Express 300 Miles" are available.



Video: "Many Waters"

Olivero's current commissions include a work for the Boulez Ensemble, upon which she is working on behalf of Daniel Barenboim.
In 2023, her composition "Many Waters" commissioned by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and the Konzerthaus Dortmund opened the season in Dortmund with the Isreal Philharmonics under the direction of Lahav Shani and was also performed at the Philharmonie Berlin as part of the Musikfest Berlin.

Our last cooperation with Shlomo Mintz for his performance of  the Violin Concerto by Dvorak with Würth Philharmonics was received with enthusiasm by press and audience:

"If the audience is already thrilled by this interpretation of Dvorak, it is downright ravished by Shlomo Mintz's highly virtuosic encore - the Paganini Caprice No. 24."

We're happy, that this cooperation with Schlomo Mintz, which ended with the beginning of season 23/24 has been emphasized with this beautiful final event.

Bye, bye Maestro and thank you for the beautiful moments with your  music...